This championship has a very bittersweet feel for me, and maybe that’s why I needed a few days of distance.
The first day didn’t go well at all, we didn’t hold the team (Tray went somewhere else in agility, I didn’t choose the ideal handling in jumping). I am really sorry.
The next day I knew that jumping should be great, the course was just right for a pony. So I was just hoping that he would keep his head and my legs would be enough. And it worked! Beautiful 12th place with a clean run!
I was really looking forward to the final agility. I never know what to expect from Tray until we run, but I still have to try to give my best performance, because that’s the only thing I can control. And I think that’s what I did… Tray was 99%. That 1% was a jumped dogwalk. But I still finished with a good feeling, the devil take the dogwalk…
I think that might have been our first finished sum, we finished 9th overall! In the TOP10 in the Czech Republic! Awesome!
But then you look at the results properly and realise that if Tray hadn’t made a bad decision on the dogwalk, we would have been 2nd. .. Pony would have been on the podium at the Czech Championships. Yes, I know there are more of us like that, I know agility is about great preparation, systematic work on ourselves and our dogs, but it’s also about luck.. well, it might as well visit us sometime right?
So maybe next time! I’ll do my best so we can stand together again next year in health and comfort at the startline!