Too late, but still!
This competition has been rough, in a positive and negative way .
On Friday we couldn’t do anything, I was so tired, my knee gave out and you just can’t play in sand (even if the sand was perfect, it’s still not artificial grass). I’m so sorry, team!
Saturday was better! Team runs with minor mistakes (unfortunately the points were not enough), individual jumping we ran clean and it almost brought us the indiv. final (again first below the line) .. but! Mostly we flew! That beginning of the course was brutal in all variations, I was just waiting to get Tray on my back. Right at the start I changed my whole plans and it paid off! It was worth the feeling!!
On Sunday, I made a completely unnecessary mistake at the end of the super fast jump, which cost us a disqualification and probably a place in the final. Then we were getting ready for the last option – agility by Sandra Deidda. At first sight something incredibly difficult, I didn’t believe we were somehow able to give it.. but we did! And even clean!!! This dog never ceases to surprise me and I am very happy for him! Too bad about the slight hesitation behind the dogwalk, because I really wasn’t there anymore, but still! That dogwalk! And those dogwalks all weekend!!! Finally the giant pony is relaxed!
We really enjoyed the whole competiton, even though I didn’t stop for those three days … we’re definitely going again next year!